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Amanda Cole
Elementary School
(417) 272-1735
Tara Connors
Assistant Principal
Primary School
417-272-3241 x3891
William Constantine
Social Studies Teacher
High School
(417) 272-8171 x1702
Colleen Conway
Foreign Language Teacher
High School
(417) 272-8171 x1700
Kaitlyn Cook
First Grade Teacher
Primary School
(417) 272-3241 x6210
Shelby Cook
Math Teacher
Middle School
(417) 272-8245
Derek Cook
English Teacher / Drama Director
High School
(417) 272-8171 x1720
Brandy Corneau
EEC Teacher 3s Room
Primary School
(417) 272-3241
Shane Corporon
Physical Education Teacher
Middle School
(417) 272-8245
Tanya Coss
Special Education Teacher
Primary School
(417) 272-3241 x9410
Shannon Coyle
Intermediate School
(417) 272-8250
Sara Criger
Kindergarten Teacher
Primary School
(417) 272-3241 x6216
Brandi Culp
Math Teacher
Middle School
(417) 272-8245 x2328
Julie Curtis
Speech Supervisor
Elementary School
417272-1735 x3245
Paige Cyrus-Ham
Student Success Advisor
High School
(417) 272-8171 x1294
Tara Dalton
EEC Administrative Assistant
Primary School
(417) 272-3241 x5103
Steve Davenport
Bus Driver
Rebecca Davis
EEC Paraprofessional
Primary School
(417) 272-3241
Barbara Davis
Technology Technician
(417) 272-8173 x4104
Karim Dawani
Behavior Interventionist
Middle School
417-272-8245 x2415