
Nine high school students earned dual-credit scholarships from the Reeds Spring School Foundation. The recipients are Emilee Dees, Olivia Giebler, Madison Langston, Thomas McGuane, Marrin McKoy, Elizabeth Parrish, Shane Pearson, Madeline Peck, and Madison Sieg.

The scholarships cover the tuition of the dual-credit classes, up to $500. Dual-credit courses allow students to earn both high school and college credits. This gives students a head start on college and helps save them money because dual-credit courses at Reeds Spring High School cost much less than a regular college course. Reeds Spring High School offers 11 dual-credit courses.

The Reeds Spring School Foundation’s mission is to promote and enhance excellence in education and student success by providing financial support for scholarships, student enrichment opportunities, and unique classroom experiences.