Employees of the Month

We're proud to recognize the following staff members from each building in our district:

Primary School - TariLyn Rau

TariLyn Rau

“She is always helping out in any area she can, and finding new ways to help the students. She has amazing ideas to bring into our classroom and our school.”

Elementary School - Kalyn Lee

Kalyn Lee

“Kalyn is such an asset to our team. She is very thorough in her duties and does a great job with recalling family-specific information. She remains calm during intense situations. She is always willing to drop whatever she is doing to help staff or students.”

Intermediate School - Barbie Davis

Barbie Davis

“She works so hard to help our building when we have technology needs, constantly going the extra mile for RSIS. We love Barbie!”

Middle School - Paige Tate

Paige Tate

“Paige has been an asset to the Middle School this year. She takes initiative and has a positive impact on the students she works with.”

High School - Jill Swestka

Jill Swestka

“Jill deserves this award for always rising to the challenge. She helps students with educational and personal needs. They know they can turn to her for assistance.”

Table Rock Career Center - Mike Burke

Mike Burke

“Mike has done a great job working tirelessly to make sure our transition to the new building is as smooth as possible. He has done so with a positive attitude and a desire to make sure TRCC is a world-class facility for our students and staff.”

Maintenance/ Bus Driver - Bill Bainter

Bill bainter

“Bill was willing to quickly check on the bus route for a new family that could not speak English.  He dropped everything, drove out, and got the info to the office. It makes our district look so good when everyone in the district goes out of their way to help.”