vision 2030

Reeds Spring Schools would like passionate parents and community members to collaborate with the district to develop action plans for our new Strategic Plan, Vision 2030.

On January 14, from 6:30-8:00 p.m., we will host a Strategic Plan Kick-off Meeting in the MS Auditorium.

We will present the new Strategic Plan and divide into groups to begin the action planning process.

If you are passionate about the growth and progress of our school district and would like to be involved in the development of action plans over the next three months, please plan to attend the kick-off on January 14.

We have seen how this planning process has led to considerable growth for our district and community over the past five years, and with your help, we are excited to reimagine the future of our district moving forward.


District representatives and community leaders participated in an exciting three days of strategic planning from December 10-12. Our Vision 2025 plan is phasing out and it is time to reimagine the areas we will focus on over the next five years.

These planning sessions, attended by approximately 30 community leaders and district representatives, will help develop a new strategic plan that will keep Reeds Spring Schools on the course of educational excellence for the future. 

Throughout these three days, the committee reviewed the district's beliefs, parameters, and mission, which will help drive decisions and actions for the upcoming years.  The team also developed new strategies, resolutions, and plans to dedicate our resources and energy as a district for the next five years.

We are thankful for the commitment and dedication to this important process from the following individuals for agreeing to be a part of the initial Strategic Plan team and this important work:

Casey Carpenter -- Middle School Principal

Kathy Clark -- Realtor

Katie Clopton -- High School Counselor

Kyle Cook -- Economic Development Director Table Rock Lake Chamber of Commerce

Phillip Dougherty -- High School Social Studies Teacher

Shane Dublin -- Assistant Superintendent of Operations

Ben Fisher -- Director of Communications

Sean Gasper -- Executive Pastor First Baptist Church Kimberling City

Kim Hammer -- Elementary School Instructional Coach

Chris Holmes -- Intermediate School Instructional Coach

Cody Hirschi -- Superintendent

Mindy Honey -- Executive Director Silver Dollar City Foundation

Veloris Juneman -- Business Owner Shady Acres Inn & Suites

Cailyn Kite -- High School Senior

Tennile Lee -- Primary School Special Education Teacher

Talon Lemoine -- High School Senior

Brian Moler -- Table Rock Career Center Director

Garet Nunan -- Director of Special Services and Federal Programs

Andrea Pate -- Business Owner Law Office of the Ozarks

Perry Phillips -- School Board Member

Rachel Pryor -- RS Works Internship Coordinator / Work Experience Coordinator

Jason Reinsch -- Director of Facilities, Custodial, and Maintenance

Adria Simkins -- Primary School Principal

Liz Smith -- Director of Business and Finance

Caitlin Sullivan -- Early Childhood Careers Teacher

Stephanie Taber -- Middle School Band Teacher

Sheila Thomas -- President / CEO Table Rock Lake Chamber of Commerce

Brad Thomas -- President Silver Dollar City

Jeff Westerhold -- Director of Nutrition Services