Molly Illum

Every month, the Reeds Spring School District recognizes one exceptional teacher with an Excellence Award. The deserving winner for November/December is Coach Molly Illum. She is a physical education teacher and coach at Reeds Spring Middle School.

“Coach Illum gave a handwritten motivational note to every girl in her PE class. She is exactly what these young girls need in their lives,” said teacher Karim Dawani.

Illum has worked at Reeds Spring Schools for eight years. In addition to teaching and coaching, she is also the district’s Wellness Coordinator, encouraging staff members to embrace healthy lifestyles.

“Coach Illum is described by a colleague as intelligent, caring, humble, and focused. These words couldn’t be more true and she is very deserving of this recognition,” said Middle School Principal Casey Carpenter.

The district accepts Excellence Award nominations from students, staff, parents, and community members. You can find the nomination form on the district website.